Witness Examination simulates a criminal or civil trial, and forces you to think on your feet to examine and cross-examine a pair of witnesses. The competition will test you on your ability to develop a case theory, interact with both a judge and witnesses, and deliver opening and closing remarks which make your case in a clear and convincing fashion. In each round, you will be given one hour with a problem to develop a case theory and prepare for your trial. The round takes place immediately after, and involves giving an opening address to the judge, examining and cross-examining two respective witnesses, before giving closing remarks. If you’ve ever wanted to experience the thrill of examining witnesses in the courtroom (or if you’ve just ever wanted to say “I object” to a judge and mean it), Witness Examination is the competition for you!
See an example problem here
What criteria am I judged on?
Opening address
Examination in chief
Cross examination
Closing address
Manner and expression
Case theory
Why should I do Witness Examination
Unlike all other UQLS competitions, there is no preparation for Witness Examination (other than having a general knowledge of courtroom procedures), as you only receive your problem an hour before your round. While the competition does require a certain degree of knowledge of the law of evidence and criminal procedure, our handy resources will give you all of the relevant law that you need to know, positioning you to improve and succeed at this competition whether you are a second year or a final year student. If you have any interest in advocacy, or you want to boost your marks for Criminal Law or Evidence Law, participating in Witness Examination will give you the edge you need.
To sign up for Witness Examination, you must either have completed or be studying Criminal Law and Procedure B, or Law of Evidence.
See Evidence Law Quick-Guide here.